Thursday, August 31, 2006

World of Warcraft - Linkin Park
Yuki - Joy

Yuki is the Japanese word for "snow", while Yūki in Japanese means "courage". The former is usually used as a female name while the latter is usually a male name.
S Club 7 - S Club Party
Kasabian - Cutt Off
Kreator - Betrayer

Kreator is a popular thrash metal band from Essen, Germany. They originally started under the name Tormentor. Starting their career in 1982, they played thrash metal with Venom influences. They differ from the Bay Area thrashers in their brutality and speed. Their style of music is similar to their compatriots Destruction and Sodom, the three biggest German thrash metal bands.

Kreator's work has been consistently in the vein of pure thrash, with the exception of three albums during the 1990s when they undertook serious experimentation. Incorporating industrial, goth and avant-garde elements into their sound, the results were uneven.
Riverflow - Levellers

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Motorhead - The Ace Of Spades

Motorhead is also a slang term used to describe a person addicted to amphetamine sulfates.
Iron Maiden: Run to the Hills

Bruce Dickinson and Eddie did a public service announcement for British television with "The Seat Belt Dummies" in 1991. The seat belt dummies were in the audience playing air guitar and Eddie is shown. The dummies remark that, "if you don't wear your seatbelt, you may end up looking like this (points to Eddie)". At the end, Bruce says "Don't forget, buckle your safety belt, mate."
Metallica - Nothing Else Matter

Lets slow the pace dowm a little, give ya time to go get a drink.

This is the song we actually had played at our wedding as the wifey came down the aisle.
Rainbow - All Night Long

Raindbow in the Graham Bonnet years after Dio left the band.

Fed up with stadium rock, Blackmore turned his attention to Rennaisance and medieval music, a lifelong interest of his. Rainbow was put on hold once again and played its final concert in Esbjerg, Denmark in 1997. Blackmore, together with his partner Candice Night as vocalist, then formed the renaissance-influenced Blackmore's Night.
Dio - Holy Diver

Dio is a heavy metal band led by vocalist Ronnie James Dio, who formed it in October 1982 after leaving Black Sabbath. Ronnie James Dio is renowed for his powerful voice and is highly regarded as one of Heavy metal's most respected vocalists. In an interview that is available on the special edition re-release of Holy Diver, Ronnie states that he never intended to begin a solo career.
Anthrax - Indians

Anthrax is an acute infectious disease caused by the bacteria Bacillus anthracis and is highly lethal in some forms. Anthrax most commonly occurs in wild and domestic ruminants, but it can also occur in humans when th... . no wait...

..actually no that might be quite acurate, enjoy some classic Anthrax


Well today I thought I would indulge myself and my viewing public with an "old skool" metal day. Dig out ya spandex, raise ya devil fist to the air, and get ready to Rawk. . . . or something

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

YouTube wants to host "every music video ever created"

YouTube, in an apparent bid to license legal content that folks actually want to download (yes, we're skeptical that the homemade video of your friend on the trampoline is driving much of the site's 100 million daily views), has just announced an ambitious plan to become the MTV of Web 2.0.

"What we really want to do is in six to 12 months, maybe 18 months, to have every music video ever created up on YouTube," co-founder Steve Chen told Reuters. "We're trying to bring in as much of this content as we can on to the site."

YouTube is still working out its business model with the record labels who control the videos, but the very fact that the labels are interested in talking with the site's management shows that the entertainment industry recognizes the opportunity here. They're hoping that you've never experienced "Paradise by the Dashboard Light" until you've experienced it by the blue glow of your computer screen.

Rather than sue the site out of existence (YouTube does host a staggering array of copyrighted clips, including an amazing array of music videos), the industry has generally turned a blind eye to the copyright problems as YouTube traffic has soared. The site is now one of the top 50 in the world and provides a powerful marketing platform to companies who can learn how to take advantage.

With that kind of growth, problems are not unexpected, but YouTube servers have proved generally reliable. They did suffer a major, six-hour outage yesterday, though, which was deemed newsworthy in countries ranging from the UK to Australia. That alone tells you all you need to know about their rate of growth and global reach.

Charlotte Church - Crazy Chick
Pink - Just Like A Pill
Where I'm Anymore - Grandaddy
Anthrax - Caught In A Mosh (Live)
The Cure / Lullaby

Monday, August 28, 2006

Cillit Bang Raver
Two Pints - Janet and Jonny Rap
The Cure - Killing an Arab

Based on the novel "The Stranger" By Albert Camus.
Terrorvision - Alice What's The Matter
Sepultura - Ratamanhatta

Sepultura is a Brazilian heavy metal band that began as a death and thrash metal group in 1984, though their current sound is often described as groove metal or metalcore. Their name means "grave" in the Portuguese language, which they chose after Max Cavalera, one of the founding members, was translating the lyrics of the Motörhead song "Dancing on Your Grave"
Doro - Love me in Black
BoHeman Rhapsody

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Peeping Tom -- Mojo
Disposable Heroes Of Hiphoprisy - TV Drug Of The Nation

"The Disposable Heroes of Hiphoprisy was a Rap/Hip-Hop band active during the early 1990s. The band was formed in 1990 by Michael Franti and Rono Tse, and introduced the phenomenal work of guitarist Charlie Hunter. The band's name was derived in part from the phrase "The Disposable Heroes of Hypocrisy", used in some Socialist literature."
Mel & Kim - Respectable

Apparently we can't touch "that"
Two Pints - We Need Some Slags
Brak and Space Ghost - Highway 40

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Girls Aloud - Biology
2PoLaAPoC - Stop Thinking
Muse's Invincible performed by Gwen Stefani

Not a music video as such, just something thats a little freaky..

Listen as Muse vocalist Matthew Bellamy gets magically transformed into Gwen Stefani with a litte help from a pitch shifter.
CSS - Let's Make Love and Listen to Death From Above
Gorillaz - El Manana


Friday, August 25, 2006

The Essential: Gorillaz (Part 3)

The final chapter of the Gorillaz documentary told by Damon Albarn and Jamie Hewlett.
Reel Big Fish - Take on Me

Reel Big Fish Cover of Aha's Take on Me
Girls Aloud - Love Machine

Two Pints - Casanova
The Footie Song (Adam and Joe)

The Adam and Joe Show was a British comedy television show, written and presented by Adam Buxton and Joe Cornish ('Adam and Joe'), which ran for four series on Channel 4. The show took the form of short, condensed sketches interspersed with links filmed in what was purportedly Adam and Joe's bedsit in Brixton, but was actually a shared "performance space" above a Body Shop there. Although the two comedians were involved in other projects before and after it was aired, The Adam and Joe Show is their most popular and known creation, and its unique brand of humor gained a cult following with young twenty-somethings.
Shakira - Whenever, Wherever

Thursday, August 24, 2006

The Adverts - Gary Gilmores Eyes

Gary Mark Gilmore (December 4, 1940 – January 17, 1977) was an American career criminal who gained international notoriety as the first person executed in the United States after the death penalty was reinstated in 1976 after Gregg v. Georgia lifted the four-year moratorium instated by Furman v. Georgia.

Gilmore requested that, following his execution, his eyes be used for transplant purposes. Within hours of the execution, two people received his corneas, inspiring the British punk rock band The Adverts to write and release "Gary Gilmore's Eyes" later that year. Gilmore's body was cremated.
Every Angel - All About Eve

Thanks to the Fruity for this little gem...
Billie Piper - Because We Want To
Gaz and Jonny - Biscuit Rap

Gaz and Jonny from Two Pints of Lager and a Packer of Crisps rap about girls and biscuits. . like a young MC Pitman
The Essential: Gorillaz (Part 2)

The second part of the Gorillaz documentary told by Damon Albarn and Jamie Hewlett.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Britney Spears - Born to make you happy
Fuzzbox - Love Is The Slug

1980's girl power, years before the Spice Girls.
Fuzzbox (or We've Got A Fuzzbox and We're Going To Use It to give them their full name, were 4 girls (Vix, Tina and sisters Maggie and Jo), who hailed from Birmingham in the UK.
N.E.R.D.- She Wants to Move

N*E*R*D (pronounced 'en ee are dee', often referred to incorrectly as simply 'nerd') is the name of a rock band consisting of Pharrell Williams and Chad Hugo of The Neptunes and their friend Shae Haley. The band's sound is hard to categorise, but is described by some as a mixture of hip hop and soulful rock. Pharrell explains;

"N*E*R*D, What does N*E*R*D stand for? N*E*R*D stands for No-one Ever Really Dies. The Neptunes are who we are and N*E*R*D is what we do. It's our life. N*E*R*D is just a basic belief, man. People's energies are made of their souls. When you die, that energy may disperse but it isn't destroyed."
Richard Cheese - Gin And Juice (2006)

Dick on the streets in Vegas singing his version of Snoop Dogg's Gin And Juice.
Breed 77 - The River

Breed 77
2 Pints Of Lager: Gaz/Donna Blow Job

Gaz and Donna from Teo Pints of Lager & A Packet of Crisps sing the Blow Job Song
The Essential: Gorillaz (Part 1)

The first part of the Gorillaz documentary told by Damon Albarn and Jamie Hewlett.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Arctic Monkeys - When The Sun Goes Down
Alexei Sayle - Didn't You Kill My Brother? + interview

Alexei David Sayle is a British comedian, actor and author. He was born in Anfield, Liverpool, England on August 7, 1952. He was a central part of the alternative comedy circuit in the early Eighties. He has written several novels and television series and has made many television and film appearances.
Milk Song

Fergie - London Bridge
GWAR - Meat Sandwich

Monday, August 21, 2006

Korn/WoW - Word Up

Have another little World of Warcraft Music Video
The Breeders - Cannonball

"In March of 2006, Kim Deal revealed to Billboard that she is working on demos for a new Breeders album."
New Model Army - Stupid Questions
Levellers - One Way

"The Levellers are a popular English band that plays Folk-rock or Indie rock influenced by Punk and traditional English music.They are based in Brighton England where they were founded in 1988. Contrary to popular believe they did not take their name from the Levellers, a radically democratic faction of Oliver Cromwells New Model Army, or as a reference to 'The Level', an area of Brighton around a flat triangular green in the centre of hilly Brighton, where members of the band used to live, but instead, according to guitarist, Simon Friend, they got it from a dictionary. Friend was quoted as saying "Leveller means to make all things equal, and it kind of appealed to our nature."[1] Strongly interested and outspoken about green anarchism issues the band have built up a strong and devoted fanbase, despite being nearly universally ignored by mainstream critics. The band have been spokespeople for a number of issues including campaigning against the Criminal Justice Act and various anti-capitalist and environmental issues. They continue to tour extensively around Britain and Europe but maintain a mutual dislike with the music press which stems from their early days."

Transvision Vamp

Have a little more Wendy James for your "viewing pleasure"
Emily Booth music video

A shameless series of videos of Emily Booth set to some music. . . or something

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Jimmy Jangle

Jimmy Savile of Jim'll Fix It fame sings for you.
Van Halen - Jump
Dead Kennedys - Holiday In Cambodia

"Criminal obscenity prosecution

The release of the album Frankenchrist in 1985 caused a furor with the newly formed PMRC (Parents Music Resource Center). In December of 1985 a teenage girl purchased the album at a Wherehouse chain record store in Los Angeles County.[3] The girl's mother wrote letters of complaint to the Attorney General for the State of California and to Los Angeles prosecutors.[3] In 1986 members of the band Dead Kennedys, along with other parties involved in the distribution of Frankenchrist, were charged criminally with distribution of harmful matter to minors. The Wherehouse store where the girl actually purchased the album was never named in the law suit."
Daphne & Celeste - U.G.L.Y.

Promotional video for Daphne & Celeste's 2000 "hit" single "U.G.L.Y."
Minimoni - Kazoe uta~Ofuro version~

Friday, August 18, 2006


"GWAR is a thrash metal, punk and shock rock band formed in 1985 by a collective of artists and musicians at Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond, Virginia. The band is best known for their elaborate sci-fi/horror film inspired costumes; raunchy, obscene, politically incorrect lyrics; and graphic stage performances, which consist of humorous re-enactments of scatology, sadomasochism, necrophilia, pedophilia, bestiality, fire dancing, pagan rituals, executions, and other controversial violent and political themes. GWAR has been on the leading edge of shock rock since their formation."

Bif Naked We're not gonna take it

Bif Naked. "We're not gonna take it" cover

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Britney Spears - Toxic

Blonde, Black or Red.. . you decide
Kings of Leon - 4 Kicks

Superb video from the Kings, from the Album Aha Shake Heartbreak...

.. theres a prize for anyone telling me what he's actually saying... :)
Alive & Kicking - Simple Minds

"Simple Minds is a Scottish New Wave/rock band which had its greatest worldwide popularity during the mid-1980s. The band, from Glasgow's Southside, produced a handful of critically acclaimed albums in the early part of that decade which were heavily influenced by electronic music, a rising force in UK pop at that time, popularised by groups such as the Human League."
Gackt - Vanilla

Is the lead singer here modelling himself on the metrosexual looks of Final Fantasy?
Madison Avenue - Don't Call Me Baby

Foo Fighters - Low

How about a come back with the Foos... :)


Well back from the Norway land.... time to get blogging again... if theres still anyone out there...

If you wanna see the pics I took over in the land of the vikings catch em here...

FLICKR Norway Album

Friday, August 11, 2006

Gone For A Week

Well off to Norway land for a week so no furhter posts till then... try not to miss this place too much eh...
Death Metal Fresh Prince

Handed in by Mr Froot of Fr00t Towers
Gangster Wiggles

Supplied by Sir Ragnor or Ragnor Moanour
Brian Posehn - Metal By Numbers

Comedian/Actor Brian Posehn recently completed work on his first music video The video, for POSEHN (Brian's metal band) track "Metal By Numbers" taken from Brian's upcoming CD 'Live In: Nerd Rage', was shot on location in Los Angeles, CA with the team of director Darren Doane (DEFTONES, AFI), producer Jeremy Jackson and editor Dan Dobi. The video illustrates Brian's view on today's metal scene and features appearances from POSEHN members Scott Ian (ANTHRAX / DAMNOCRACY) and Joey Vera (ARMORED SAINT/FATES WARNING). The video can be viewed exclusively at Brian's MySpace page: as part of Brian's stint as the featured comedian this week (7/3 -- 7/9/06) on MySpace Comedy. 'Live In: Nerd Rage' reveals the hilarious observations of a self-professed nerd and life-long fan of heavy metal. Recorded as part of Brian's appearances on the Comedians of Comedy tour, and including a sketch with Bob Odenkirk (Mr. Show), 'Live In: Nerd Rage' is Brian at his funniest. 'Live In: Nerd Rage' will be released on July 11th in North America, with an international release to follow in August. 'Live In: Nerd Rage' can be previewed via Brian's MySpace site and its official home on the web

Thursday, August 10, 2006

A-ha - Velvet

Marvelous song from teh Norwegian boys and a cracking video too..

Hopefully I shall be in their homeland tomorrow but with all these cunting terrorists I may not... feckers
Muppets - Mahna Mahna

Soup Herb
A Flock Of Seagulls

The 80's. . .. the decade fasion forgot...


A few more than usual posted today as I am off to the land of the Vikings and Kraken tomorrow and nor back till next Wednesday... so nothing shall be posted... except an obscene amount of booze down my throat..
Sigue Sigue Sputnik - 21st Century Boy

"Sigue Sigue Sputnik is a British Pop-cyberpunk band that achieved moderate fame in the mid- to late 1980s, when the song "Love Missile F1-11" hit the pop charts around the world. "Love Missile F1-11"'s success was due in part to the song's use in the cult-hit movie Ferris Bueller's Day Off. Led by former Generation X bassist Tony James, the band created a unique style of new wave music by layering vocals, yelps, guitar riffs, electronic sound effects, and short samples over pulsating synthesizer bass lines.

The themes and imagery in the band's songs were often influenced by futuristic, dystopian, or post-apocalyptic films such as A Clockwork Orange, The Terminator, Blade Runner, and the Mad Max trilogy. The band's music and image also mashed together a range of other pop culture influences, including the New York electronica duo Suicide, Marc Bolan's T-Rex, and the swagger and sex appeal of Eddie Cochran, Elvis Presley, and glam rock."

Radiohead - No Surprises

I beleive this video was banned... strange and bixarre bit of work
Mudhoney - It Is Us

Mudhoney, like the still twitching sperm of the Grunge movement
My Cat ~ Jack Off Jill

Jack Off Jill Trivia
* Tenni met Jessicka while attending Piper High School in Sunrise, Florida. They had begun writing songs, but had not yet formed a band when Moulder and Inhell joined them to create the band that would become Jack Off Jill.
* The song "My Cat" contains the line "My cat can eat a whole watermelon," a reference to the film Rubin and Ed, starring Crispin Glover. Jessicka's newer project Scarling. have released a song entitled "Crispin Glover," which contains references to another of Glover's movies, River's Edge.
* Sausage Pot Bri is credited as playing extra guitar tracks on "Swollen". Sausage Pot Bri was really Marilyn Manson. Keyboards on "My Cat" are credited to the big white dancing beav who was actually Robin Moulder.
Flyleaf - I'm So Sick

Flyleaf is an alternative rock band from Belton, Texas with distribution in both the mainstream rock and Christian radio markets.[2] The band and its members have previously played under several names including Listen, Sporos, The Grove, and Passerby. They became the most prominent in Texas under Passerby, but due to legalities, the name was changed to Flyleaf after they were signed. "A flyleaf is the blank page at the front of a book," explains Lacey Mosley, Flyleaf's vocalist. "It's the dedication page, the place you write a message to someone you're giving a book to. And, that's kind of what our songs are — personal messages that provide a few moments of clarity before the story begins."
The Dandy Warhols - Get Off

"The Portland, Oregon Warhols are strongly influenced by The Velvet Underground and The Rolling Stones as well as including implicit musical references to Jethro Tull and My Bloody Valentine in some songs. Frontman Courtney Taylor-Taylor describes the band beginning as a group of friends who "needed music to drink to." The band performed live shows in bars throughout Portland and released their first album, Dandy's Rule OK? in 1995. This album was instrumental in Capitol Records' decision to sign the band."

"Eels (also sometimes eels or EELS, depending on the album) are an American rock band formed by singer/songwriter Mark Oliver Everett, better known as Mr. E or simply E. He is the frontman of the band, calling Eels a vessel for his music. Other members rotate frequently, both in the studio and on stage. Live shows include new material, interpretations of older songs, and usually some well-known covers."
Busta Rhymes - Gimme Some More

Could watch this video all day long....

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Transvision Vamp - Baby, I Don't Care

Because you can never have too much Wendy James
Journey - Don't Stop Believing

.... with Family Guy.. . .:)
Altered Images - Happy Birthday

Claire Grogan. . . phwoar
The Wonder Stuff - Don't Let Me Down, Gently

Bit of live Wonderstuff to start the morning off me thinks...
Ned's Atomic Dustbin - Kill Your Television (v2)

Ahhh good old Neds..

I was a roadie for these you know...
hitomi - Japanese Girl


Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Flowered Up - It's On

Was looking for Weekender but it seems to have been deleted... :( my gay mate will have to put up with It's On
Wendy James - The Nameless One


Wendy James... I need say no more
Musical Youth

Pass de durchie.. . .apparently origonaly about passing a spliff around.... .
Vapors - Turning Japanese

How many songs get into the charts that are all about masturbation.. . . :)
Feeder - Just A Day

Get ya fans to record themselves singing your song, fantastic way to make a video...
The Cult - Lil Devil

A little bit of The Cult..

Did you know they started out as The Southern Death Cult, dropped teh southern to become The Death Cult... and eventualyl settled on The Cult

Monday, August 07, 2006

Touch me

Samantha Fox and Touch me blasting in from teh 80's..

.. now living as a lesbian...
Carter USM - Anytime Anyplace Anywhere

Carter The Unstoppable Sex Machine (frequently shortened to 'Carter USM') were formed in 1987 by singer Jim "Jim Bob" Morrison and guitarist Les "Fruitbat" Carter. Playing along to tapes, samples, sequenced basses and drum machines as well as rock 'n' roll guitars they would be referred to as 'The Punk Pet Shop Boys', and travelled around Europe in a small hire car playing for petrol money on the pub and club circuit, where they built up a small but loyal following.

ACE, as we used to say when I was 14... enjoy
beyonce - naughty girl (video)

Heart - These dreams

They don't make hairstyles like that anymore.....

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Metallica Nothing Else Matters Woodstock 1999

Actually had this played for my wife as she walked down the aisle. The look on the face of the organiser when we told her we wanted Metallica played was a picture.... :)
Art Of Noise feat. Max Headroom - Paranoimia

The Art of Noise featuring Max Headroom... flip back to the 80's again
Unkle - Rabbit in your Headlights

UNKLE with the vocal talents of Thom Yorke, profound adn intersting video
World Of Warcraft Is A Feeling

From the chaps over at Pure Pwnage. . .."enjoy"
Ozric Tentacles - Vita Voom Promotion Video

Have a little bit of the Ozrics stoner music at its best, along with some info flashed across the screen about them as the video plays.. .. see Entertain and Enlighten again, I really should be charging you all for this kind of thing you know...
When The Sun Goes Down

Arctic Monkeys with When The Sun Goes down.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Father Ted - My Lovely Horse

Craggy Islands very own Eurovision Song Contest entry
Shakira - Hips Don't Lie


.... let the magic happen...
Guns 'n Roses - Sweet child 'o mine

Guns n Roses in thier prime... soak it up
Hooked on a feeling

Mr. Bungle - What the World Needs Now

Have some more Mr Bungle, bit soon after the other I know, but this is a different style to their other stuff...

"Perform this Burt Bacharach cover live at the bizarre festival in 2000"
James Blunt - Bloody Cold

Well... its not actually... from Dead Rings show....

Friday, August 04, 2006

Sultans of Ping - Where's Me Jumper

.... anyone actually seen his jumper?
24 Hr Garage People

ahhh Half Man Half Biscuit... goes out to mah man in teh Hood... MC FRootah and the ex-Basinggrad Massive... woop woop..... etc
Hey clip

Couple of young ladies Lip-Synching to The Pixes...
bush sunday bloody sunday

Clever bit of editing, Mr Bush singing Sunday Bloody Sunday....
Terra Naomi - Up Here

Happened upon this young lady when browsing for new vids, and gotta say I'm quite liking it, nice voice... good set of lungs on her
Pop Will Eat Itself - Wise Up Sucker

Have another from teh Poppies..

"The band honed their songwriting skills with a string of catchy two-minute pop songs released on EPs both as Wild and Wandering and Pop Will Eat Itself. With the help of DJ John Peel, these EPs saw some airplay and enjoyed some popularity among university students. After the band feared they had accomplished all they could with their sound, they found new influences in hip hop acts such as the Beastie Boys, Run DMC and Public Enemy. Graham soon dropped the drum sticks for a mic and was replaced by a drum machine called "Dr. Nightmare." Their style continued to develop with classics such as "There Is No Love Between Us Anymore' and the anthemic "Def Con One". As a result, PWEI were signed to major label RCA and they achieved top 40 hits with "Can U Dig It?" and "Wise Up! Sucker" off the album This Is the Day…This Is the Hour…This Is This!"

PWEI on Never Mind The Buzzcocks
Mr. Bungle- Quote Unquote

Have a lump of the Bungle.

Extremely rare promotional video for "Travolta" (aka Quote Unquote)from the first album.

"Stage Antics

More so than other Mike Patton related projects, Mr. Bungle was known for their terrifying stage shows, where Patton would wear a gimp mask and Trevor Dunn would donn a blue dress and pigtails while headbanging maniacally. The presentation of the band on stage has sometimes been close to a realization of Antonin Artaud's Theatre of Cruelty in the musical domain. This was particularly felt at the live shows during the "Disco Volante" era. The shows for the "California" tours, while still involving various members wearing masks and dressing up, were no longer showing evidence of Artaud's influence."
duran duran - girls on film

FLASHBACK to teh 80's
Duran Duran with the unedited version of Girls on Film

Careful mind, theres boobies in it and I ear seeing them can make you into a pervert or something.
Korn - twisted transistor

RAWK down with the Korn boys in a piss take video...
Numa Numa

Have the "classic" meme that is Numa Numa with Gary Brolsma

"A Flash-based video of now twenty-year-old American Gary Brolsma (born July 7, 1986) lip-synching the song energetically on his webcam brought the Numa Numa phenomenon to the US (video). Brolsma has stated that he first discovered the song in the Japanese flash animation [1].

Brolsma first published his "Numa Numa Dance" on the Newgrounds site on December 6, 2004. Since then it has popped up on hundreds of other websites and blogs, and he has made appearances on ABC's Good Morning America, NBC's The Tonight Show and VH1's Best Week Ever.

Brolsma is a resident of the state of New Jersey and is reportedly not happy with his fame [2], although he has created tweaked versions of the video since it became popular (see below). According to The New York Times, Brolsma has become an "unwilling and embarrassed Web celebrity." Brolsma has stopped taking phone calls from the media; he canceled an appearance on NBC's Today Show on February 17, 2005, and he did not cooperate with The New York Times for their February 26, 2005 article about him.
New York Times article (February 26, 2005) about Gary Brolsma and the Numa Numa dance.
New York Times article (February 26, 2005) about Gary Brolsma and the Numa Numa dance.

A story in The Believer (June/July 2006) explores the song's spread and global homogenization, while arguing that Brolsma's video "singlehandedly justifies the existence of webcams . . . It’s a movie of someone who is having the time of his life, wants to share his joy with everyone, and doesn’t care what anyone else thinks."

One version of Brolsma's video also contains some puns, among them pictures of "feta cheese" during the lyric "fericirea" ("happiness") and a LEGO representation of Bob Ross during the singer's words: "sunt eu Picasso" ("it's me, Picasso").

Another common misconception is that Gary is Dutch, as the video showed up on several sites with the title "Funny Fat Dutch Boy". This is not true as he is in fact an American and the song itself Romanian.

In the popular Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game (MMORPG) World of Warcraft, the Tauren character's dance is a replication of the Numa Numa dance."
3 Doors Down - Kryptonite

Have a little 3 Doors Down, and why not

Decided what kind of TV Channel would I be without Adverts, so first post of the day will be a blatent advertisement... hell how else am I going to make money and buy that Gold House and Rocket Powered Car?

Thursday, August 03, 2006

More Human Than Human

White Zombies More Human Than Human in a Powerpuff Girls Styley
Frank Black - Los Angeles

"There are people who hate this song, but they just so happen to coincide exactly with the people whose opinions don't count. A strange mix of Black's fantastic pop song-writing skills and cheesy hard rock parody. Fake drumstick-pointing headbanging hairmetal band! Creepy Fu Manchu Frank! Personal hovercraft Frank! What's not to like?"
Smack my bitch up

The Prodigy with Smack My Birch Up.... unedited with boobies and everything... . MY WORD!
DAoC - My Immortal

Evenescances My Immortal, done in teh world of Dark Age of Camelot
Voodoo Glow Skulls - Steady As She Goes

This is how I like my Ska with a bit of Punk shoved up its.. . erm.. speaker..


Lets harken back a million years, before Dinosaurs were born adm before the baby Jebus got inot all that extreme piercings, the days of games running on 48K and Colour Clashing..

Retor Gaming set to a "funky" retro soundtrack...
Killeroo Might Boosh Music Video

The Mighty Boosh performing Killeroo.... need I say more?

Well maybe I do but I aint..


Just a little heads up that I changes teh Archives to Weekly.. . and then to Daily... will see how it goes.. been a little post happy the past few days
Jethro Tull - Bourree (French TV 1969)

Jethro Tull, an old favourite of mine... enjoy.

"Jethro Tull is a rock band that formed in Blackpool, England in the 1960s. Their music is marked by the quirky vocal style and unique lead flute work of frontman Ian Anderson and by unusual and often complex song construction. Their music, though starting with blues rock with an experimental flavour, has incorporated elements of classical, Celtic folk music, and art rock. Anderson has attributed the marked difference between their music and the music of their contemporaries to the group's avoidance of narcotics. While other music groups did influence them in their early years, they quickly developed a unique, instantly recognisable sound."

They're named after Jethro Tull, inventer of teh Seed Drill. . .see not only do we entertain here, we enlighten also
Tiny Tim-Do Ya Think I'm Sexy(1979)

Tiny's Cover Of The Rod Stewart Song...Done In His Own Unique Style....Watch The Reaction On Carson's Face And Get A Glimpse Of A Young David Letterman

Thanks to the Viking Hufner for passing this one onto me.... at least I think its thanks...


See how much I spoil you folk
A new feature has been added RADIO ZUCHINI
At the bottom of the right hand panel I'll be putting up songs from some of the artists featured, if you like a video, check out RADIO ZUCHINI to see if there are more samples of the bands music

Let me know what you think, and if its worth continueing...

Johnny Cash - Hurt

The master who is Johnny Cash doing a cover of Nine Inch Nails Hurt... superb

Pitman video 2

MC Pitman.... fabulous..
"MC Pitman is the comic creation of one Styly Cee, a hip hop producer and performer from the city of Nottingham in England's East Midlands.

Supposedly a miner from the town of Coalville in Leicestershire, he raps morosely in a distinct regional accent about many aspects of modern life, from his distaste for celebrity worship and traffic congestion, to his great affection for tea and biscuits. His most extreme polemic however is targeted at Mike Skinner aka The Streets. Pitman often adapts well known rap hits. Hence "Witness the Fitness" by Roots Manuva became "Witness the Pitness" (like the original song produced by Lord Gosh), while Run-DMC's "Sucker MCs" was recast as "Sugar On Ya Peas". His first album It Takes A Nation of Tossers was released in 2003 by Son Records. It also included a cover version of LL Cool J's "Mama Said Knock You Out", called "Mam Sed". Its follow-up, Pit Closure, appeared in November 2004."
Gravy Train - Ghost Boobs Music Video

Ghost Boobs by the "band" Gravy Train... I spoil you with all these great videos do I not

erm. . I really can;t say anything else about this without useing the words, bizarre, japanese, fig leaf or GHEY!, so I'll say nothing...
Fuck Her gently

Have another little bit of "comedy" with Tenacious D.. .
Careful, theres some "cussing" in here.. ZOMG

Have Kirk & Spock doing the intro to this song too... COR Bonus ITEMZ!
Kirk & Spock do Tenacious D
Bill Bailey's Slayer

"Are you ready to Rock"?

Bill Baileys love for Slayer...
Hurra Torpedo -

Another Hurra Torpedo cover, see down below for another... a Viking Krakan friend of mine passed this on to me.. kkthnx
OK Go - Here It Goes Again

OK Go.. . dancing on Treadmills.. . erm.. how rare
De La Soul Feat. Double

OK, in my quest to find a "decent" Parappa the Rapper game clip I stumbled upon De La Soul with Double doing the "U Gotta Beleive" song from teh game...... so have that for now
PPP7 Bazooka Pistolero

erm. . . this'll teach me to read links before blindly pressing them. . .though I was getting the legend Parappa the Rappa.. I was wrong.. so now you too must endure Parapara Paradise . . . I think my eyes are bleeding
Crazy Japanese Music Video

Theme song from teh Anime "INITIAL D".. the band Sonic Groove I think... its very chicken oriental
Faith No More - From Out Of Nowhere

Have a little Mike Patton in his Faith No More incarnation. Very possibly post some of Mike in his other appeareances later, such as Mr Bungle, Fantomas, Peeping Tom etc etc..
Enjoy a blast from the past with From Out of Nowhere.
Big Blue Dress (WoW)

A WoW Video by speshul request from a gay friend of mine..
Enjoy the humilation a poor Mage has to put up with..

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Rob Zombie - Living Dead Girl

Rob Zombies Living Dead Girl.

Check out Mr Zombies house on MTV Cribs

He has a Pirate Bar for Gawds sake!
Primus - Too Many Puppies

Primus - Too Many Puppies
Fabulous stuffs

Tuesday, August 01, 2006


Flip Out Like A Ninja from 7 Seconds of love, front bloke is Joel Vietch from

Soup Herb!!

Stewie Plays The Banjo - video powered by Metacafe

Have a little Family Guy with Stewie on teh banjo sining My Fat Baby... . .



Sooo slapped up quite a few videos to entertain and tittilate so far.
Still not a vast amount of folk poking their heads in but the Blogs only been up a couple of days.

Initially intended to only post really REALLY crap and embarresing videos but stumbled on far too many of my old favourites, I'll let you decide which is which, so the direction has changed a little already.

May also look to posting stuff about bands etc on the videos I post... or I may stay a lazy git and just keep slapping videos up.

If anyone is reading this, why not post a comment, let me know there are folk out there, or I may slip back into the delusion that I am all alone and the world is some kind of bad trip I am haveing back from when I was 19..... and of course please feel free to post ANY comments under the videos.

Just for anyone that may be interested my musical tastes change more than I change my underwear, though that aint that hard. Went from full blown Metal Head, though Crustie into Grebo trangressing into absolutely anything really these days, favouring such as Tool, Perfect Circle, Voodoo Glow Skulls, Breed 77, Jethro Tull, Godsmack, Scarling, Kate Bush etc etc....

Right, I'll feck off for now and let you get back to viewing the videos.... ta ta

Pop Will Eat Itself - Def Con One

And the last for tonight... have some Pop Will Eat Itself another blast from ym past
Carter USM - Sheriff Fatman

Have another video from one of my facourite bands from my "youth".. one of the best gigs you could ever have gone to
Mexican Radio - Wall Of Voodoo, 1983

Wall of Voodoo is a New Wave art - punk group from Los Angeles best known for the 1983 hit Mexican Radio.
Ben Folds - Rockin' The Suburbs

Have a bit of Ben Folds with Rockin' The Suberbs, minus the fucks and shits... ;)
Super funny Total Eclipse cover

Norwgian cover of Total Eclipse of My Heart, by Bonnie Tyler.. . but erm useing Kitchen Appliances and a guitar

Have another Mr Maynard incarnation, this time Tool and STINKFIST
A Perfect Circle - The Noose

OK, need to flush Mambo No.5 out of my head have a live video from one of my favourite bands.
A Perfect Circle and The Noose


Mambo No.5 from Lou Bega
Mortal Kombat Theme

erm.. . .
Where do I begin...
Mortal Kombat "Dance" track, think thats 2 Unlimited mixed inthe backgrouns.
Anyway 2 young gents "acting" it out....
Final Fantasy X Music Video

Heres one that I knocked together. Final Fantasy X cut scenes with the Pixies' Monkey Gone to Heaven for the track

erm.. . Wardrobe Malfunction or careful mareketting.. . .well its Sabrina so I go for option B
"Philosophy, Tits and Legs"

With Bettie Page dancing.. . . another bizarre mix
Bitches Ain't Shit

Dr Dre's Bitches Aint Shit, as sung by Ben Folds. . . erm with some lovely photography in the background....
Pulse Of The Maggots

Game footage set to Slipknots Pulse of the Maggots..

Suicide Is Painless With Eggs

hehe.. Suicide is Painless.. .

.. poor little eggies

Krotch - Babes Don;t Have To Do Shit...
... apparently

MRT - Treat Yo Mother Right Foo......
Anime Music Video

Eye of the Tiger in an Anime styley

Junior Senior, pixle speccy Video

In the Jungle the mighty CGI Jungle