Still not a vast amount of folk poking their heads in but the Blogs only been up a couple of days.
Initially intended to only post really REALLY crap and embarresing videos but stumbled on far too many of my old
May also look to posting stuff about bands etc on the videos I post... or I may stay a lazy git and just keep slapping videos up.
If anyone is reading this, why not post a comment, let me know there are folk out there, or I may slip back into the delusion that I am all alone and the world is some kind of bad trip I am haveing back from when I was 19..... and of course please feel free to post ANY comments under the videos.
Just for anyone that may be interested my musical tastes change more than I change my underwear, though that aint that hard. Went from full blown Metal Head, though Crustie into Grebo trangressing into absolutely anything really these days, favouring such as Tool, Perfect Circle, Voodoo Glow Skulls, Breed 77, Jethro Tull, Godsmack, Scarling, Kate Bush etc etc....
Right, I'll feck off for now and let you get back to viewing the videos.... ta ta

1 comment:
The Khents asleep..
Shall I wake him?
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