Wednesday, August 23, 2006

N.E.R.D.- She Wants to Move

N*E*R*D (pronounced 'en ee are dee', often referred to incorrectly as simply 'nerd') is the name of a rock band consisting of Pharrell Williams and Chad Hugo of The Neptunes and their friend Shae Haley. The band's sound is hard to categorise, but is described by some as a mixture of hip hop and soulful rock. Pharrell explains;

"N*E*R*D, What does N*E*R*D stand for? N*E*R*D stands for No-one Ever Really Dies. The Neptunes are who we are and N*E*R*D is what we do. It's our life. N*E*R*D is just a basic belief, man. People's energies are made of their souls. When you die, that energy may disperse but it isn't destroyed."

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