Thursday, January 25, 2007

WoW Machinima Day

Machinima a portmanteau of machine cinema or machine animation, is both a collection of associated production techniques and a film genre defined by those techniques. As a production technique, the term concerns the rendering of computer-generated imagery (CGI) using real-time, interactive (game) 3D engines, as opposed to high-end and complex 3D animation software used by professionals.

. . erm. . basically nicking footage from games and makeing funky videos, think thats what they were trying to say there.

So its a WoW Video Day, yes I'm a geek, I play WoW.. . so what.. . .
Freybentos - Magtheridon..


Johan Ludvig Brattås said...

You sound awfully defensive about this...
Have you talked to a professional about this yet?

Zuchini said...

Yes he said try and get the Thrallmar Tokens for the Rep Rewards.. . . sheesh