Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Buffy - It Must Be Bunnies!

* Although he is never named in dialog or lyrics, the demonic villain of this episode is called Sweet per the episode's closing credits and the shooting script.

* Many fans believe that the demon is called Sweet because of the closing credits, but it was intended to mean "Really Cool" make up by..., but the name stuck.

* Buffy's line, "Dawn's in trouble. Must be Tuesday", is a reference to UPN, who aired Buffy on Tuesday nights. Buffy also aired on Tuesday nights on the WB for the majority of its run.

* Xander's line, "Respect the cruller. And tame the donut!" is a reference to a line from the film Magnolia.

* Spike's line, "Finish the big group sing. Get your kumbaya-yas out," is a reference to both the song "Kumbaya" and to the Rolling Stones album Get Yer Ya-Ya's Out! The Rolling Stones in Concert.

* The scene featuring Amber Benson's musical number, "Under Your Spell", featured heavily-implied sex between two females, and was edited out during the episode's first broadcast in conservative countries like the Philippines and China.

* Action figures of Buffy Summers, Anya Jenkins, and Dawn Summers were produced, based on this episode.

* In a press interview Amber Benson admitted to dancing into a pole during the backup dance at the Bronze. The viewer can see her laughing as she steps back (this occurs during the lyric "and every single verse / can make it that much worse" within "Something to Sing About").

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